
Field Engineer


77 Water Street, Suite 7000 New York, NY 10005 USA New York New York 10005 United States

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A Global Marketplace connecting Engineers and Businesses.No matter where you are in the world, FE is connecting engineers and telecoms every day. FE is a powerful platform for businesses and talent. We streamline slow and costly talent and job search, interviewing, vetting, hiring and paying. FE frees the ambitious to succeed. FE is proving to be an essential globalmarketplace.
   The Emerging Startup Special Huawei and PCCW Global. The awards are made to meet the expectations of the most advanced technology providers in the world. FieldEngineer.com CEO and founder, Malik Zakaria, was also in attendance, and he delivered a brief presentation on the topic of rapid growth and expansion of B2B growth.

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